Workstation assessment in London
Get a workstation assessment fixed up for your business in one simple phone call
If you need a workstation assessment in London, we’ll take care of things for you in one simple phone call. As well as providing a clinically-led service, giving you and your colleagues expert advice, we also take care of all the administration too. That means you won’t need to co-ordinate lots of diaries and reports.
Each assessment includes a full clinical history, ergonomic assessment and task analysis, postural review and advice, with an environmental assessment of the workstation including photometric testing. Every assessment includes a comprehensive report detailing the current situation and advice provided.
Appointments are usually completed within five working days of a request, with summary or detailed reports provided within 48 hours of the assessment.
- Quick and expert service
- Detailed workstation assessment
- Comprehensive reporting
Just call 020 7236 3334 or use the contact form for more info or to make an appointment. If you’d like to know more about our occupatonal health services for businesses, just follow this link.